The pictures are on there way. Will meet them in Berlin on Saturday. This one did not make it all the way.
The pictures are on there way. Will meet them in Berlin on Saturday. This one did not make it all the way.
Tar fram denna bild igen. Tror det är fjärde gången. Nu börjar han äntligen ta form och när jag sätter punkt här så skall jag ge mig på honom igen, Poolomannen. Vem är nu denna man, vilken del av min sviktande personlighet, vilka muskler? Han har ingen själ än. Lagom till döden kanske. Eller då han på riktigt föds i andras ögon.
My Olivetti knows it´s time.
Working with Berlin in mind.
Strong smell in the studio of linseed oil and turpentine.
“Waldersten365” by Jesper Waldersten was rewarded by a unanimous jury of particularly good artwork and was awarded the Visual Prize. Reason: “For an artistic and humorous piece of work.”
” I always get the weird prices” JW
On the 25th of november Waldersten365:64 will open at Skellefteå Konsthall. At 13.00 I will talk Norrlandish for a while. Since Skelleftea is located at latitude 64, none less than 64 images will be displayed from the waldersten365-project. There will also be sketches not previously shown available at the exhibition. Hope to see you.